👋 Hello, I am

Petronella Ndlovu

Front-end developer based in Johannesburg, South Africa

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Featured Projects - Petronella's Portfolio

Weightloss Project

Weight Loss Project

This is my very first interactive landing page project at SheCodes Institute, it covers the basics of HTML, styling with CSS and building interaction with JavaScript. My topic of interest was weight loss, understanding different types of weight loss methods. The basics applied into this page were being able to land into different pages and the use of Java Script.

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Weather App

This website project was built with live data using APIs, advanced JavaScript and modern coding tools.

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Wether Project
Data Analyst Preview

Data Analyst Project

Uncover business insights. Collects, cleans, and interprets data sets in order to answer a question or solve a problem. Most used programs are Power BI, Tableau, Microsoft Excel.

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